The academic year for I.T.I. begins on the 1st of June and closes on July 31st every year .
The admissions are open for students who passed/failed their S.S.L.C. (depending on the course opted for) after the S.S.L.C results.
Interview for the selection of a new batch will be conducted during the 1st week of July every year, and limited only , persons are admitted to the course, in compliance with the D.G.E.T formalities.
Minimum educational qualification for admissions in ITIs is matric, high school or intermediate. It is also a suitable alternative for those, who are inclined to technical education or who wanted to earn at an early age.
Completed applications for admission to the institute should reach the principal before the last date.
Eligible candidates should be present for interview on the stipulated date. They should produce the following original certificates at the time of interview.
Submit the following Documents at the time of Admission:
1. Admission fees full amount.
2. Original SSLC marks card
3. TC, conduct certificate,
4. School Study Certificate(1st std to 7th & 8th 10th std.)
5. Ration Card copy
6. income certificate.
7. Caste & Income Certificate
8. Photos passport size 5 copies.
9. Selected Trainees and parents has to come for interview.
10. Education Certificate .
11. Adhar Card(mandatory)
Student selection for the Trade will be decided as per Government Rules of the concerned ITI on merit cum selection basis.