Mechanic Diesel


An intensive industrial survey was conducted to identify skill gaps in the automobile sector. A scientifically designed labour-market and web survey helped collect data, based on which essential skills were identified, and the syllabus was drafted. A trade expert committee subsequently reviewed the findings.

Terminal Competencies/Deliverables

After successfully completing the course, trainees will be able to perform the following skills in proper sequence:

Mechanic, Diesel Engine

The Diesel Engine Mechanic, also known as an Oil Engine Fitter, is responsible for repairing, servicing, and overhauling diesel or oil engines to ensure efficient performance. Key responsibilities include:

  • Examining the engine to locate defects using various tools and instruments.
  • Dismantling or partly dismantling the engine to remove damaged or worn-out parts and replacing or repairing them.
  • Replacing valves and assembling parts with precision to ensure accuracy of fit.
  • Installing assembled or repaired engines and connecting them to the propulsion system.
  • Starting the engine, tuning it up, and monitoring performance indicators such as temperature, fuel level, and oil pressure.
  • Conducting periodic checks, adjustments, and lubrication to maintain engine efficiency.
  • Performing soldering or brazing as needed and servicing diesel fuel pumps and injectors.
  • Measuring essential components like cylinder bores, piston sizes, and crank pins using precision tools such as gauges and micrometers.
  • Overseeing re-boring of cylinders, fitting liners, and re-facing valve seats to ensure proper engine function.