
Rev. Fr. Winnifred Denzil Lobo SJ


Dear Friends,
Our motto “Beacon for success in Life” is the foundation and heartbeat of our Loyola Industrial Training Institute, Bangalore. We have been providing quality education in technical field for the past 25 years and over 5000 trainees have graduated from Loyola ITI since its starting by the Jesuit {Society of Jesus} fathers under BJES (Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society) in 1992.
At Loyola ITI, trainees are expected to have an enriching and life-changing experience which will enable them to reach new heights in their professional life. We foster the sharpening of skills and enhancement of knowledge in our trainees through various extra-curricular, co-curricular and curricular activities with the help of the faculty who not only keep themselves at par with the current developments but also contribute to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise. To facilitate this, we are a Center of Excellence to enhance domain specific training among members of the faculty and entrepreneurship among the trainees. With a very congenial and professional environment our faculty makes substantial contribution to the academia through quality teaching, seminars, conferences, field visits, etc. The faculty contribution has received recognition by way of various collaborations we have with our partner institutions and companies in India and abroad, and the excellent goodwill we enjoy with the corporate world who generously contribute to our various academic processes. The corporate interactions including corporate supported projects undertaken by the management for our trainees under faculty supervision is considered ‘unique’, in the sense, that it provides a close hands-on-experience to our trainees as a part of our curriculum. Further, to provide a flavor of modern best practices, our trainees are exposed to a brief but intensive ‘On the Job training’ at various locations in Bangalore, designed in collaboration with well renowned companies. Thus, as a student you certainly are expected to have an enriching and life changing experience that should propel you to take advantage of the new opportunities in life. As a prospective student, you are welcome to explore options that may be available to you in our various academic programmes and please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.
If you represent any organization and are seeking any information on our trainees, our activities, etc., you are most welcome to contact us and we will be too happy to explore all initiatives of mutual interest.
As a parent of a student, we assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that your child will be spending with us.
God Bless You
Rev. Fr. Winnifred Denzil Lobo SJ